happy : En: glad, pleased; cheerful, characterized by joyfulnesshappy: Tr: mutlu,mesut, şen.
Example : A happy coincidence is one that results in something pleasant or helpful happening.
Angry : En: furious; seething; gloomy; inflamed.Angry : Tr: kızgın, öfkeli, hiddetli.
Example : When you are angry, you feel strong dislike or impatience about something.
to get confused : En: bewildered, mystified, mixed up.to get confused : Tr: kafası karışmak, bocalamak
Example : The constant attention of the young man confused her.
to be amazed (at) : En: surprised, astonished. amazed filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shockto be amazed (at) : Tr: hayret etmek, şaşırtmak, şaşırtıcı.
Example : Your ability to speak four languages amazes me.
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