
compromise, compete, compensation, commit to, acutely, ingilizce kelime, english, üds kelimeleri

compromise : En: settling of a disagreement by making mutual concessions.

compromise : Tr: uzlaşma, uyuşma, uzlaşmak
example : The government's policy of compromise is not universally popular.

compete : En: contest, contend against another; participate in a contest.
compete: Tr: rekabet etmek, yarışmak
example: The American economy, and its ability to compete abroad, was slowing down according to the report.

compensation : En: recompense, repayment; something done to make up for (a loss, deficiency or fault).
compensation : Tr: tazminat, bedel, karşılama, takas
example :  Helen gained some compensation for her earlier defeat by winning the final open class.

commit to : Tr: adamak, söz vermek.

acutely: En: 
adsharply; keenly; shrewdly
acutely : Tr: şiddetlice, keskin bir şekilde
example :  It was an acutely uncomfortable journey back to London.

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